- Laibach and NSK: “Industrial Diagnoses of Post-Socialism”, M’ARS Ljubljana VIII/3-4, 1996.
- “Činiti nepopularno vidljivim: nominalizacija v popularnoj muzici” (Making Visible the Unpopular: Nominalization in Popular Music) in Dimitrejević, B. (Ed.), “Pop Vision”, Vršac/Belgrade 1996.
- “Art & Strategy: Laibach versus Turbo”, New Moment No. 9/10, 1998.
- “Thinking About Mutation: Genres in 1990s Electronica” in Blake, A. (Ed.) “Living Through Pop”, Routledge 1999.
- “Balkan Hardcore: Paramilitarism and Pop Culture”, Central Europe Review (http://www.ce-review.org), June 2000.
- “20 Years of Laibach, 20 Years of?…”, Central Europe Review, September 2000.
- “Deleuzoguattarian Praxis and Electronic Music”, British Postgraduate Musicology (www.bpmonline.org.uk) Vol. 4, 2001.
- “Critical Frequency”, (review of “This is Serbia Calling”, by Mathew Collin) Central Europe Review, May 2001.
- “Office Politics”, (interview with Slovene NGO) Central Europe Review, June 2001.
- “The Fright of Real Theory”, (review of “The Fright of Real Tears” by Slavoj Žižek). Kinoeye, October 2001.
- “Did Somebody Mention Lacan?” (review of “Did Somebody Mention Totalitarianism?” by Slavoj Žižek). Central Europe Review, November 2001.
- “New Italian Futurism?” (live review/feature). Junkmedia, May 2002.
- “Bread and [Rock] Circuses: Site of Sonic Conflict in London.” in Gilbert, P. (Ed.), Imagined Londons, SUNY Press 2002.
- “Neu Konservatiw: Return of a Myth”. Sleevenotes for Laibach CD “Neu Konservatiw,” Cold Spring Records 2002.
- “Zoned Out”. Review of “Primary Documents”, collection on East/Central European Art, Central Europe Review. 5 February 2003.
- Pluralni monolit: Laibach in NSK. (Plural Monolith: Laibach and NSK). Maska. Ljubljana, 2003.
- “Unsere Geschichte.” Sleevenotes for Laibach CD “Anthems,” Mute Records 2004.
- “The Interrogation Machine: NSK, Source Codes and Temporal Hacking.” in Liebl, F. (Ed.), Cultural Hacking. Springer Verlag. 2004
- “How the West was Won – NSK and the Conquest of Cultural Space.” Borec, Autumn 2004.
- “NSK State Dublin. Overload of the Improbability Drive.” Maska, Summer 2004.
- “How the West Was Won - NSK and The Conquest of Cultural Space.” in Kelly, N. (Ed.), Art & Politics - The Imagination of Opposition in Europe. R4 Publishing, 2004.
- "Odsev spomina/Reflection of Memory", Antonio Živkovic catalogue text, Ljubljana: Zalozba cf. 2004.
- Interrogation Machine. Cambridge: MIT Press. September 2005.
- “Dwarf States and Post States - NSK in the Micronational Context” in Summit of Micronations Protocols Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen (Ed.) Helsinki: Artists´ Association MUU, 2005
- “Full Spectrum Provocation The Retrogarde Strategies of Neue Slowenische Kunst” in AS Mediatijdschrift No.176 Winter 2005-2006.
- “The Evolution of Senso-Brutalism: Electronic Aesthetics of Force in Music. Industrial - Minimal Techno – Gabba.” SKUG. 10.01.2006
- "Who Doubts the Terrible Power?" in BAVO (Ed.) Cultural Activism Today: The Art of Over-Identification (2007). Rotterdam: Episode Publishers.
- “Laibach: Made in Iugoslávia”/Laibach Made in Yugoslavia” in Fernando Oliva e Marcelo Rezende (Eds.) Comunismo da forma (Communism of Form) São Paulo: Alameda Casa Editorial. 2007.
- “Who Doubts the Power of the Antlers?” in DDR/Alexei Monroe (Eds.) Jelenometrija Raziskovalna razstava Ljubljana: Domestic Research Society. 2007.
- “Wir sind das Robvolk?” in Martin Bricelj (Ed.) Robovox Sound Book. Ljubljana: 2008.
- “NSK: Τέχνη του κράτους” in Το πολιτικό στη σύγχρονη τέχνη. Athens: Ekkremes, 2008.
- “Laibach Kunst and the Art of Total Non-Alignment.” fair Zeitung für Kunst und Ästhetik. Nr.06/I-2009.
- Laibach Kunst and the Art of Total Non-Alignment in Rekapitulacja / Recapitulation. Muzeum Sztuki w Lodzi. 2010.
- “NSK: The Improbable State of History and the History of an Improbable State.” Radical History Review 109, Winter 2010. Durham NC: Duke University Press.
- “Gesamtkunstwerk under Construction 1980-87” in A. Monroe (Ed.) Laibach Gesamtkunstwerk - Dokument 81-86. Vinyl on Demand (VOD84). 2011
- Die Inquisitionsmaschine. Ploettner Verlag (Forthcoming 2011).
Edited works:
State of Emergence. Ploettner Verlag/Poison Cabinet Press (Forthcoming 2011).
Co-edited with Alexander Nym and Peter Webb. Shimmering Darkness. Ploettner Verlag/Poison Cabinet Press (Forthcoming 2012).
Selected articles For Muska magazine, Ljubljana:
“What The Machines Have To Say”, March 1998.
“Manifesto For Techno”, June 1998.
“Mille Plateaux: Modulation & Transformation”, January 1999.
“Sounds Of The Times”, November 1999.